Complete your first homework assignments

  1. Return signed Parental letter.
  2. Text Dr. Briney with your name and email.
  3. Join the FCS Biology Google Classroom.
  4. Review the FCS science website at
  5. Bring to class, 2 paper folders with metal clips to hold paper.
  6. Review Science Competition Manual.
  7. Complete science forms 1, 1A, & 1B for class next Monday. (
  8. Prepare for Friday scientific method test.
  9. Write 10 questions with answers per page of notes for chapter 1. Due next week Friday.
  10. Turn in Student Evaluation and Feedback form anytime after second week of school.
  11. Review class rules to excel and do well!

Follow class rules

  1. Rules are helpful for you. They help to build personal character and to make the learning process better for both you and others around you. A good scientist is disciplined and understands the value of obeying rules.
  2. Only you can determine how much you will learn. Own your decisions and take responsibility for your choices in life.

Bring two notebooks

    1. One notebook (any kind of your choice) for class notes, tests, and homework.
    2. Another notebook (inexpensive, non-slick paper surface, with metal tabs) for your science project.

Review School policy book for more instructions.