Fayetteville Christian School Science

Discovering the scientific wonders of God's creation

General Faculty Info

Biology: Patrick Briney  &  Steven Clardy

Chemistry: Lonnie Deavens

Physics: Keith Wiggins

Physical Science: Dwight Gonzales

Stem Club Director: Alicia Deavens

Science Fair Competition Manual

Quick Info

Google Class

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FCS Google Class app.

Biology Lessons
Science Project and Fair

Science Project Information

Download your science project competition manual, and learn how to design and present a winning project.

Fayetteville Christian School

Fayetteville Christian School provides  affordable, Christian education to develop Christian character, to establish a sound academic foundation for their future, and to promote the Biblical worldview.

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Exploring God’s Creation

Science GIF | Gfycat

A Zeal for Science

A zeal for science is required to discover the intelligent design and laws that govern the orderly and predictable behavior of God’s creation.

Learning Science

The Fayetteville Christian School Science department engages students to discover what science is with classroom training and hands-on discovery. Students learn to quantify their observations, to develop deductive and inductive skills of reasoning to interpret their observations, and to test their interpretations with repetitive controlled experimentation.

Learning the Biblical Worldview

Students learn how to scientifically explore the physical creation with the benefit of a Biblical world view context. The literal Genesis account of a seven, twenty-four hour day creation of heaven, earth, and all things in them is consistent with science.

Learning to Discover

Student’s are encouraged to courageously allow facts to lead them to discovery and insights rather than conform to prevailing opinions of men for the day. God’s Word is timeless truth confirmed with a Biblical faith that gives understanding and evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1, 3). FCS students learn that Christians with integrity make good scientists.

Learning by Doing

FCS offers science training for elementary, Jr. High and Sr. High students. Personal science projects are built into the curriculum to emphasize the importance of personal application of the scientific method to explore, discover, and understand ourselves and our world.

Learning God’s Word

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1

“For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.” -Exodus 20:11


If you ever wondered what God created in the world, what causes weather to change, why oceans have waves, and what causes volcanoes and earthquakes; physical science has the answers.

Physical science is the branch of science that explores the chemistry and the physics of the earth, oceans, the atmosphere and all of creation.


If you ever wondered in what ways God created living things to be different from the rest of the world or why family members resemble one another, biology can answer your questions.

Biology is the branch of science that explores the questions of living creation, its chemistry, its physics, and its continuance.

Life science enriched by a Biblical world view perspective of God’s design.

  • God created life, and He sustains life.
  • Man is both physical and spiritual. He is a body, a soul, and a spirit. The three parts of man make up the complete man.
  • Jesus Christ is the bread of life and the source of everlasting water that quenches spiritual thirst.
  • Jesus created all things and therefore is the designer of life. By Him all things were created. By Him all things consist. He made provision for the physical body as well as for the spiritual. He is the way, the truth and the life.
  • Created from the dust of the earth requires that man supply his physical needs from the dust of the earth. At death, the elements of his physical body will return to the dust of the earth. Dust to dust and ashes to ashes. His souls and spirit will rise to heaven in eternal life or descend to hell in eternal death. He that hath the Son hath life, and He that hath not the Son hath not life.

FCS onsite class resources and lessons


Institute for Creation Research

Creation Ministries International

Answers in Genesis

Center for Disease and Control

Abortion Facts

The Facts of Life



If you ever wondered how God created the world so that molecules in rubber bands stretch and snap; or why metal bends, and glass breaks; or why some things burn or others things do not; chemistry can answer your questions.

Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter and the changes that matter undergoes in creation.

Tip: Learning Chemistry

“The Elements,” by  Tom Lehrer. A song through the periodic table

Animated Periodic Table

National Mole Day



If you wondered how sunlight travels to earth, how sound waves can cancel each other out, what matter and radiation have in common, how rockets can be guided from earth to Mars, and much more; physics is the field with many answers.

Physics is the branch of science that explores creation to find answers that explain how things change and behave.



Science fair projects are wonderful, real world science training experiences. Students pose questions about life and creation for which they must find answers and satisfy their curiosity. Their quest for answers lead them through the world of scientific research that goes beyond lessons in the classroom or chapters in a book. Science fair projects are opportunities for students to gain first-hand knowledge and experience of the work scientists engage in. Students apply observation skills, analyze and interpret data, design experiments to test their interpretations, collect data, rethink through their explanations, solve problems, develop research skills, and most important, learn more about themselves and their world.

2 Inexpensive, Paper Folders, with 3 metal-prongs for Biology class.

A winning project


2006 Mission Boulevard

Fayetteville, AR 72703

School Hours

M-F: 8am – 3pm
Weekends: Closed

School Phone


Biblical worldview

“Scientific exploration is a way to look into the mind of God as He expressed it in His creation of all things.”

Patrick Briney, Ph.D.

FCS Science Chair


October 23

International Mol Day


FCS Science Fair


NWA Regional Science Fair

March 14

National Pi Day

March 17

St. Patrick’s Day


AR State Science Fair

April 25

National DNA Day


International Science Fair



What Students are Saying

“Fun, fun, fun. I never knew how much fun it could be to really learn about  God through science.”

“Doing real, hands-on science is a great way to learn. Even better is the opportunity to compete with and learn from other students doing the same thing.”

“Learning science at FCS prepared me for college. In my first year at the UA, I was helping other students learn what I was already taught at FCS.”


Everyone is treated with the respect and love God has for His creation. We are all one race as descendants from one man and woman, Adam.