Chemistry is much easier to learn than most realize. Just learn the fundamentals, and you can learn anything about chemistry.

What makes chemistry really fun is that everything is made of atoms. If learn how atoms work, then you will know how everything works.

Tip to learning chemistry:

Learn what an atom is and how it works by learning the periodic table. If you learn the answers the following 5 questions, you will enjoy learning chemistry.

  1. Why the atoms in column 1A similar to each other, but different from the atoms in columns 2A-8A?
  2. Why are there 8 “A” columns?
  3. How do the atoms in the “A” column differ from the atoms in the “B” column?
  4. How do the atoms in row 1 differ from the atoms in rows 2-7?
  5. Why are there 7 rows?